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Firm founder Frank L. Branson Contributes to Leading Plaintiffs’ Law Guide

display-7The latest edition of the acclaimed legal resource, Anatomy of a Personal Injury Lawsuit, features a chapter written by firm founder Frank L. Branson.

Mr. Branson is one of more than 60 legal experts to contribute to the two volume guide, now in its fourth edition. The book features in-depth chapters on trial law and personal injury medicine and includes detailed advice, practice tips, arguments, charts, illustrations, and examples.

Highlights of Anatomy of a Personal Injury Lawsuit include:

  • How to negotiate for better outcomes and navigate through alternates to litigation.
  •  How to present and make effective damages arguments for different cases, from punitive and wage-loss to noneconomic and medical-related damages.
  • How to fight secrecy orders and deal with corporate defendants in discovery.
  • Common medical issues in personal injury cases, from basic anatomy and medical examination to epidemiology.
  • The benefits and methodology of using focus groups and mock trials
  • Elements of trial including everything from jury selection to closing arguments.

For the latest edition, Mr. Branson contributes a chapter devoted to effective use of demonstrative evidence, which notes: “Visual aids are essential to maintaining the attention of a modern audience, so demonstrative evidence in a trial can be indispensable when it comes to getting your story through to the jury. This chapter explores the different types of demonstrative aids and how you can achieve the greatest impact with each variety.”

More information about Anatomy of a Personal Injury Lawsuit can be found here.
